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    Kazakhstan traditions and celebrations essay - kazakhstan traditional …

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    작성자 Rodolfo
    댓글 0건 조회 149회 작성일 24-07-23 04:56


    Kazakhstan traditions and celebrations essay - kazakhstan traditional clothing [Подробнее...]

    The article considers traditional Kazakh clothing from the collection of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan as one of the basic components of the. Culture of Kazakhstan. Modern Kazakh culture is mainly characterized as a synthesis of Tengrian nomadic and Islamic and European elements. Nomadic elements derived from predecessors, such as the Huns, First Turkic Khaganate, Golden Horde and Kazakh Khanate. Nomadism largely shaped its peculiar music, clothing, jewelry and тіл құндылықтың қай түріне жатады неліктен oral literature. Kazakh traditional clothes, costumes and dresses have a long history that reflects the Kazakhs lifestyle and culture in the steppes. The region has very hot summers, strong winds and a bitter cold winter. Traditional Kazakh clothing was made of wool, cottony silk or velvet fabrics and outer garments were usually lined with fur. Traditional Clothing Spikes in Popularity in Kazakhstan and Abroad By Staff Report in Culture on ASTANA – People are increasingly emphasizing. Traditional women's clothing in Kazakhstan consisted of a long dress or shirt, pants, hat, and could also include a vest or robe. In winter, кейсті құрастыру және талдау fur coats were worn. Traditional Kazakhstani clothing reflects the ⁤nomadic lifestyle and⁤ the harsh climate of the region. The traditional dress for men⁣ is called "chapan," which is a. By Aiman Nakispekova in Culture on ASTANA – Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Culture and National Traditions on Ma. The ethnography in the " Notes" Orenburg branch of the Russian Geographical Society, he published an article, " Essay on the customs in. Traditional women's clothing in Kazakhstan consisted of a long dress or shirt, pants, hat, and could also include a vest or robe. In winter, fur coats were worn. Kazakhstan's culture has been greatly influenced by the country's nomadic history. Its rich and diverse past is reflected in local cuisine, music, film.

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